So what is about we cats that love to hang out in boxes? Is it the smell? Or the fact that we might get to take a trip depending on the box that we are sitting in. Case in point.
Alexander would like to go priority mail apparently. Just close the top and ship away.
Or Take Mitts for example he also would like to take a trip. Same box and doesn't care where he is going either.
Or perhaps you would like a different color cat to open in your cat-in-the-box? Perhaps Patches in a black and white motif?
So why do the humans go and buy expensive toys for their cats? Because clearly a simple box that may never leave your house can provide hours of fun that never have to leave your house...or theirs for that matter.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
It's Been way too long...We know...Daisey hunts a chicken...
I The Wolf Dog Daisey sleeping after a long day of trying to hunt chickens. It is hard work but some body has to hunt the chickens. Lord knows that my companion Lucy is useless in this department.
This is Lucy. Personally I do not understand why Lucy always feels the need to make me look bad by crossing her front legs. However, as you can see she is not as innocent as one might think, after all the humans chained her up.
Where was I? Oh right.....
Back to Chicken hunting
When one is hunting chickens one must be very quiet and stealth....The chicken can't see me right now. You don't think it can see me do you? I am great stealth quiet CHICKEN HUNTER!!! I'm GOING TO GET YOUR CHICKENS!!!
Wow! I just had one crazy dream that I was outside hunting a chicken...Oh right I did that earlier today.
Back for my nap...Night all....
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Not So Innocent Lucy |
This is Lucy. Personally I do not understand why Lucy always feels the need to make me look bad by crossing her front legs. However, as you can see she is not as innocent as one might think, after all the humans chained her up.
Where was I? Oh right.....
Back to Chicken hunting
When one is hunting chickens one must be very quiet and stealth....The chicken can't see me right now. You don't think it can see me do you? I am great stealth quiet CHICKEN HUNTER!!! I'm GOING TO GET YOUR CHICKENS!!!
Wow! I just had one crazy dream that I was outside hunting a chicken...Oh right I did that earlier today.
Back for my nap...Night all....
Monday, June 7, 2010
Cat house decoration
This is our human Rosie.
She has busy all day yesterday working hard on our cat house in decorating it. We felt we should share what she did with the world.
This took about 6 hrs for her to paint.
Here is a full on shot of the actual painting itself.
In other news, we Chickens are getting big and we love our new Chicken Palace.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Fun Stuff
This is a typical day at the house with the animals, and thanks to my friend to sending this to me.
For fun click here
More pictures coming soon. The camera died so it's been a little bit hard trying to take our candid shots.
In other news we have lost 3 chickens in the last three days but more to follow on this subject.
For fun click here
More pictures coming soon. The camera died so it's been a little bit hard trying to take our candid shots.
In other news we have lost 3 chickens in the last three days but more to follow on this subject.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
New Digs!
New Digs
Low Income Housing for Cats.

We got a new cat apartment at my house, and all of us love it. Especially when mom goes and puts catnip in each one of the cubes. Bahahahahahahaha.

Low Income Housing for Cats + Catnip= Cat Crack house.
And we all need our kitty crack....
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter from the Chicks, and i don't mean Babes.
So first of all we all want to apologize that Mom hasn't been coming on and writing on this lately, however she has been busy. We have tasked Alexander with the job of attacking her feet in the morning when she doesn't come on. Especially cause he believes he is the star of us all. More of that in the next post.
So we have new animals to add to our menagerie. Now as we are not naming them, and we refuse to call them pets, but they are animals just the same. Besides we cats feel that it isn't necessary to name our food, and in consultation with the dogs they agree.
Meanwhile things with us are just typically normal. Patches has fully crate trained himself
More in the next post...Until then Happy Easter, and if you catch us a bunny we would be most grateful.
So we have new animals to add to our menagerie. Now as we are not naming them, and we refuse to call them pets, but they are animals just the same. Besides we cats feel that it isn't necessary to name our food, and in consultation with the dogs they agree.
6 of them
Now we Cats & dogs were hoping to have a personal viewing with them, but neither Mom or Dad are letting us anywhere need the cage yet....And we thought we would get some indoor hunting practice in.Meanwhile things with us are just typically normal. Patches has fully crate trained himself
I sleep best when there are bars around me.
and Alexander feels he is a size 8 but stuck in a size 10.5 box.
I sleep best in an empty box, even when Mom gets me the expensive pet beds.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Meals on Wheels
So I heard this joke and I am wondering where my meals on wheels are.....
A cat died and went to Heaven. God met her at the gates and said, 'You have been a good cat all these years. Anything you want is yours for the asking.'
The cat thought for a minute and then said, 'All my life I lived on a farm and slept on hard wooden floors. I would like a real fluffy pillow to sleep on.'
God said, 'Say no more.' Instantly the cat had a huge fluffy pillow.
A few days later, six mice were killed in an accident and they all went to Heaven together. God met the mice at the gates with the same offer that He made to the cat.
The mice said, 'Well, we have had to run all of our lives: from cats, dogs, and even people with brooms! If we could just have some little roller skates, we would not have to run again.'
God answered, 'It is done.' All the mice had beautiful little roller skates.
About a week later, God decided to check on the cat.. He found her sound asleep on her fluffy pillow. God gently awakened the cat and asked, 'Is everything okay? How have you been doing? Are you happy?'
The cat replied, 'Oh, it is WONDERFUL. I have never been so happy in my life. The pillow is so fluffy, and those little Meals on Wheels you have been sending over are delicious!'
The cat thought for a minute and then said, 'All my life I lived on a farm and slept on hard wooden floors. I would like a real fluffy pillow to sleep on.'
God said, 'Say no more.' Instantly the cat had a huge fluffy pillow.
A few days later, six mice were killed in an accident and they all went to Heaven together. God met the mice at the gates with the same offer that He made to the cat.
The mice said, 'Well, we have had to run all of our lives: from cats, dogs, and even people with brooms! If we could just have some little roller skates, we would not have to run again.'
God answered, 'It is done.' All the mice had beautiful little roller skates.
About a week later, God decided to check on the cat.. He found her sound asleep on her fluffy pillow. God gently awakened the cat and asked, 'Is everything okay? How have you been doing? Are you happy?'
The cat replied, 'Oh, it is WONDERFUL. I have never been so happy in my life. The pillow is so fluffy, and those little Meals on Wheels you have been sending over are delicious!'
Monday, March 1, 2010
Start spreading the News. UPDATE!
This is me Tony.
So I came home from the hospital. Nothing that I was tested for came back conclusive, and nothing conclusive can tell me what caused me to loose so much weight. It has been determined that I have been exposed to FIP. For those of you who want to know more about this disease you can read up on it here.
So Mom says I have weird sleeping habits.
So I came home from the hospital. Nothing that I was tested for came back conclusive, and nothing conclusive can tell me what caused me to loose so much weight. It has been determined that I have been exposed to FIP. For those of you who want to know more about this disease you can read up on it here.
So Mom says I have weird sleeping habits.
I don't understand why Mom always laughs at the ways I tend to sleep.
Cue music, "Throw your leg over my shoulder". Doesn't everyone sleep like this?
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Please visit
This is me Bear
And this is my human friend Casey and me.
Casey is my friend. She has this band and her band needs people to vote for it to play in battle of the bands. If you go here you can hear her band called Honey & Hellfire. Please vote for her band to make it through to the next round in Battle of the Bands. Vote here. I am hoping she wins because if she does I think there might be some catnip in my future. Good luck Casey.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Lucy Mutt!
My name is Lucy, and this is my time in the spotlight.
I am tired of all these cats taking over. It is time we dogs in the house got our 15 minutes of fame. My Mommy friend was told I am half Beagle and half German Shepard. Hence making me all mutt, and yes I know the logistics of the two breeds is kind of funny to imagine, however it explains why my nose never lets me down.
I am tired of all these cats taking over. It is time we dogs in the house got our 15 minutes of fame. My Mommy friend was told I am half Beagle and half German Shepard. Hence making me all mutt, and yes I know the logistics of the two breeds is kind of funny to imagine, however it explains why my nose never lets me down.
Because of the Beagle in me I have short hair. This makes me feel kind of cold on winter days so Mommy went out and bought me a sweater. See?
I feel I look rather sporting in my new sweater, but I did have questions if it made my butt look too big. However, I am past that now.
We have lots of cats at my house and I definitely get along better with some then others. Although I don't like it when they get the table scraps before me, especially when I have to compete to get my cuddle spot as well. This an example of me having to try and get my spot with the Mommy.
However Skittles is my buddy and we tend to curl up together where ever mommy is.
I celebrated my 1 year birthday at the beginning of June. However they forgot to give me a birthday cake. There is always next year I suppose.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
This is Tony when he was born, and we ask that anyone that has any compassion for animals that you pray for him.
About a year ago he broke his pelvic bone either from falling from a tree or a car hit him. He spent several months healing from this accident. However now a year later they think it might be his kidney's from the broken pelvic bone or something worse that is making him ill. Tony is only about 4 yrs old and he is having complete renal failure. We ask that everyone pray for him to get well.
Thank you.
About a year ago he broke his pelvic bone either from falling from a tree or a car hit him. He spent several months healing from this accident. However now a year later they think it might be his kidney's from the broken pelvic bone or something worse that is making him ill. Tony is only about 4 yrs old and he is having complete renal failure. We ask that everyone pray for him to get well.
Thank you.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
So Honey...What can be said about me...
My name is Honey. I am a stray that just kind of started hanging out at the human's house.
Kisses for Daddy!!!
YAY climbing the Mommy moutain I WIN!!!!!!
(Tony on the left and Aiden(aka Jonboy or Zues) on the right)
My name is Honey. I am a stray that just kind of started hanging out at the human's house.
I moved in my new home in June of 2007 but I had been hanging around the house for a few months prior to when I finally went into the house. My Daddy thinks I am a Bengal princess..but little does he know.... I am definitely his princess though right? See?

So my first litter was very special for me and my daddy(remind me to put him on the payroll by the way), even though he was not the daddy of the kittens. The father of the first litter was an orange Tiger cat. As a result we had these kittens.
The boys

(Tony on the left and Aiden(aka Jonboy or Zues) on the right)
And the girl,
Introducing Princess P. The Only girl in this litter.
OK so my favorite thing might be my kids, however no one can deny that I truly like to sleep in weird places (Yes what you see is a baking dish), and that mom has a very weird sense of humor...check out the "ketchup bottle label". Mom got clever and changed the label to read, "CATchup"....dam crazy cat lady...until next time...
Saturday, February 6, 2010
The boys
So last time we talk about the boys above and the fact that they were Snowballs and My last litter. Pumpkin in the middle was the first one born and the largest of the three when they were first born. Next came Cotton on the right and Mitts was actually the runt and born last. Cotton & Mitts are both long haired cats and the only long haired cats that our humans have ever had.
Cotton's fur is very soft. Much like a bunny rabbit's fur. Hence why he was named Cotton. Mitts on the other hand has a much coarser fur and he has 7 toes on on front foot and 6 on the other. Did I mention that Snowball has extra toes on all of her feet? You can see the extra toes that Snowball has in her picture.
I am the Queen! Watch me rule.
Dam I am Hansom!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
More Genetics please
Ok so last time we talked about the first litter that Snowball and I had. Now let's see what you think happened in the next litter we had, and does any one care to guess how many kittens we had in Snowballs 3rd litter, my 2nd?
Did we have a cat that looked like this?
Introducing Skittles
Or Like this?
Introducing Patches

Did we have a cat that looked like this?
Introducing Skittles
Or Like this?
Introducing Patches
Or this?
Last but not least. Introducing Alexander.

Ok the answer is none of the above. Neither Skittles, Patches or Alexander were from the relationship of Snowball and myself, Night. In fact the next litter surprised us all when Snowball and I had not 1 or 2 but 3 happy healthy kittens in the next and last and final litter.
The first to be born in this litter was Pumpkin, otherwise known as Punkie for short.

The next brother born was Mitts.

And last but not least in this final litter was Cotton.

Did I mention that when I was born that I came from a litter that had 3 orange stripped tigers in the litter. I think Punkie got his stripes from me. At least that is what I tell Snowball, and that is what she reminds me of whenever Punkie pisses her off.
So next time I will try and go into the characteristics of the kids before we move on to the stray Honey that moved into my house.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Ok so last time I asked what you think you get when you take a female that looks like this.

and myself that looks like this

and you mate us.
Do you get



Give up? Want to know the answer???........Scroll down
The answer is..... Helios.

He is from our first litter. Did you know that in order to have an all black cat that you must have some sort of Siamese in them? Here you can read up on this at this link here.
Black Cats
Snowball and I had Helios and another sibling that was still born in our first litter together. This litter was the 2nd one for Snowball. In her first litter she had 4 kittens and when she came to live with our home there were two kittens still alive. One was Lucky and the other was a sibling that passed the next morning. When Helios was first born he was totally white, but as time went on his Siamese markings came in.
OK so think you know what to expect of cat genetics? Next time we will take about what was in the next litter of Kittens that Me and Snowball had.

and myself that looks like this

and you mate us.
Do you get


Give up? Want to know the answer???........Scroll down
The answer is..... Helios.

He is from our first litter. Did you know that in order to have an all black cat that you must have some sort of Siamese in them? Here you can read up on this at this link here.
Black Cats
Snowball and I had Helios and another sibling that was still born in our first litter together. This litter was the 2nd one for Snowball. In her first litter she had 4 kittens and when she came to live with our home there were two kittens still alive. One was Lucky and the other was a sibling that passed the next morning. When Helios was first born he was totally white, but as time went on his Siamese markings came in.
OK so think you know what to expect of cat genetics? Next time we will take about what was in the next litter of Kittens that Me and Snowball had.
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