Did we have a cat that looked like this?
Introducing Skittles
Or Like this?
Introducing Patches
Or this?
Last but not least. Introducing Alexander.

Ok the answer is none of the above. Neither Skittles, Patches or Alexander were from the relationship of Snowball and myself, Night. In fact the next litter surprised us all when Snowball and I had not 1 or 2 but 3 happy healthy kittens in the next and last and final litter.
The first to be born in this litter was Pumpkin, otherwise known as Punkie for short.

The next brother born was Mitts.

And last but not least in this final litter was Cotton.

Did I mention that when I was born that I came from a litter that had 3 orange stripped tigers in the litter. I think Punkie got his stripes from me. At least that is what I tell Snowball, and that is what she reminds me of whenever Punkie pisses her off.
So next time I will try and go into the characteristics of the kids before we move on to the stray Honey that moved into my house.
I love the genealogy lesson, and thanks for pictures of your babies and other friends!