Bunny Honey

Bunny Honey
Bunny Honey

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Do your cats do these things?

So if you have cats perhaps yours do these things to. Over the years I had had cats that have always enjoyed looking out the window, but not the way the group of cats that I have now. The group I have not will sit for hours and hours on end looking out the window, especially since we have a tree right outside our 2nd floor bedroom window and the branches that are right at that level have several birds on them. The thing that is most amusing is as they are watching the tree they speak at the birds outside the window. I can only imagine that this is what they are saying as they talk at them, "If this dang window wasn't in my window you would so be dinner. I dare you to come off that branch and fly into this window and into my mouth." Next time you see your cat sitting at the window and talking to it listen carefully and see if you can understand what exactly they are saying.

Perhaps your cats don't indoor hunt like mine do. Maybe they are more of a daredevil cat. Like the ones that I have that love to jump to the top of the door and choose to hang out and sleep on the top of the door that is not more then 3 inches wide. Or they jump up on the top of the curtain rod and walk a long them. Because of this I no longer have curtain rods that are not bent in some way from too much cat body weight on them. I am wondering what are some of the things that other people's cats do that is just plain crazy. Feel free to share some of your crazy stories as well.
Or you can check out this person's blog and the feats that her cats do just like mine.



  1. My various kitties have all been fans of "stalking" birds and squirrels though the windows, watching like they're mesmerized, and sometimes doing this weird swallowing thing that makes it look like they're intensely fantasizing about exactly what they would do to the woodland creatures if only that window wasn't there. No daredevils at my house, for the most part. :o)

  2. We call it Kitty Cat TV. There is at least one in each room and the "entertainment" room with a huge flat screen HD Kitty Cat TV looking out onto an empty lot with plenty of birds, squirrels and sometimes even another cat.
